Sunday, January 29, 2012

Its been a while..

It's been a while since i've posted a blog. I've been looking for a job quite some time, and ive finally found one thats decent enough to get out of bed for, its still a shit job but its not on the diarrhea level my other job was. Ofcourse i cant give any companynames cos ill get dickslapped by the big corporate cock, but alls i have to do is call people up and ask them if they wanna extend their contract and give them a new phone. So most of the people are happy they'll get a new phone and shit, so its not only depressive people! But that is pretty much why i didnt wrote any blogs the past 2weeks, ill pick it up again and try to post some mindfood.


  1. Good to hear you found something at least! :)

  2. Well I suppose if it beats a the runs it can't be all bad..haha

  3. Glad you have a new job, hopefully it treats you better than the last!

  4. it'll pay the bills, but always be on the lookout for a better one!

  5. thats awesome its better than no job. its hard to find jobs out there man :/ im looking into other ways to earn money

  6. Well Done :) the whole working lark is still a ball ache though :((

  7. Congrats on the job I hope it goes well!

  8. I did sales once, i was fairly sucessfull, because i abandoned the script, and treated the customers like an individual. I always used to hate ringing people when they were in the middle of dinner, once i rang a woman two days after her husband died, that was a bad one.Thanks for following.
